Customer Profile

Customer Profile

Customer Profile Header

The customer profile page is divided into two sections:

A "Header" section" and a "Loan Summary" section. This page outlines the attributes of the Customer Profile Header.


You can also watch our video on this topic HERE 


Top "HEADER" Section


This section contains the customer's information, headshot, comments and follow-ups and information regarding credit verification reports. There are also links, however, where you can edit a customer's information. For example, if you click Credit Limit, you can change and update the customer credit limit. Also, if you click Store, you can change the store associated with the customer.


The Header also contains buttons which perform the following functions:

History: Displays the customer's complete loan history

Notes: This allows you to view or add notes to the customer profile

Comments: This button allows you to view or add comments to the customer profile

Follow-Ups: This allows you to view existing Follow-Ups

Watch: By clicking this button, you can either put a customer on or off watch status

PDF: This button exports the customer profile to a .pdf file that may be saved on your hard drive or printed

Blue Pencil Icon: this allows you to edit any information in the customer's profile

Red X: This button deletes the customer profile permanently from your customer database

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