Follow Ups

Follow Ups

Follow Ups

Follow-ups are used to create and keep track of customer follow-up tasks, date of follow-up, and other reminders.


When you navigate to the customer profile page, in the Header section you will see all follow-up comments (In Red) in the gray area to the left in the header section.



You will also see a blue button labeled "Follow-up". When you click on the button, a new window will open that allows you to view all comments as well as create a new comment or delete a comment.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Only active follow-ups will be displayed in this section.



Follow-up Fields


  • Admin
  • Date (Required Field), or
  • Date/Time of follow-up. (Required Fields)
  • Standard Follow-up: (If a standard follow-up is selected, it will auto-populate the description box with a pre-defined message, and additional comments can be added as well).
  • Comments: (you can create your own follow-up message here)
  • Check Box to add the follow-up to the Notes. (Items added to Notes cannot be deleted by anyone at any time.)
  • Submit Button: Click this button if you want to continue to view other comments
  • Submit and close Button: Click this button if you are ready to close the screen.


Delete a follow-up task

Follow-up tasks and comments can be deleted.


You can delete a Follow-Up directly from the Customer Profile header. Simply mouse-over the Follow-Up you wish to delete and a "Red X" will appear. Click the Red X to delete the Follow-up.



While in the follow-up screen, check the box located to the right of the customer follow-up and select the box in the "delete" column.

  • You should know that if that follow-up was previously added to Notes, it will not be deleted from the Notes by deleting it here. Items in the notes tab cannot be deleted at any time.


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