


The History tab provides a summary of the customers current and past loan history.


The history button is located in the header section of the customer profile page at the top right of the page. When you click on the "History" button for a specific customer, a new page will open and the account summary will appear.


The Account Summary page contains information that is "Read Only", and it contains links that allow you to update/edit some information. The editable links are defined in the appropriate section as noted below.



Accounts Summary Page:

Customer Name:

This section will display the most recent loan, the loan number, the customer's social security number, and loan status.  You have the option to print the loan summary page by clicking the blue button labeled "Print" which is located at the top right of the page.

Account Summary:

This section will display a summary of all loans applied for by a customer. If you wish to view a specific loan, find the loan number and click on the "Details" link. That will highlight that loan number is red in all related sections. Below is the information that provided for each specific loan:

  • Total number of loans
  • Total Principal
  • Total Principal Repaid
  • Total number of Payments
  • Total Number of Late Payments
  • Total Paid
  • Total Interest Paid
  • Total Number of Days Late (Combination of all loans with late payments are summed together)


IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is provided for Active, Pending, Closed, and Written off loans but not for Denied or Reversed loans.


This is where you will see a summary of all loans the customer has applied for. Below is a list of the information in this section. Also, when you click one of the blue text links to the right of the page, some of the information becomes editable:

  • Loan Number
  • Loan Type
  • Status of the loan
  • Applied (Date applied)
  • Approved (Date approved)
  • Due Date (Based on loan parameters)
  • Loan Amount
  • Principal Paid
  • Interest/Fees Paid
  • Total Paid (Total sum of principal, interest, and fees)
  • Rate (Interest Rate)
  • Store (Where the loan was originated)

Loans Text Links:

The blue text link to the right of the screen will enable you to view, print, or perform other tasks as needed.

Doc: When clicked, you can view and print the loan document

Adjust: When clicked on, it will take you to the customer profile page and display the loan summary of the loan you just selected. If you have questions regarding the information you can adjust, please refer to the "Loan Summary" help topics for detailed information and instructions. 

Details: Allows you to view the specific details of a particular loan on this page

Loan History:

This section breaks down the loan activity of a selected loan that is being viewed. The activity includes:

  • Loan Number
  • Event (A milestone that occurred in a loan such as a payment was made and recorded). Also note that some events may have a comment posted for viewing.
  • Date (Date of the event)
  • Time (The time that the event occurred)
  • Rate (Interest rate)
  • Principal Due
  • Total Due (Total sum of principal, interest and all fees).

Loan History Text Link:

The blue text link to the right of the screen will enable you to perform other tasks as needed.

Reverse: This allows you to reverse an event.

Loan Advances:

This section is where you would see information related to a customer who has received a loan advance.

  • Loan Number
  • Advance Date
  • Advance Type
  • Advance Amount
  • Total

Loan Advance Text Links: 

The blue text link to the right of the screen will enable you to perform other tasks as needed.

Reverse: This allows you to reverse a transaction

Loan Payments:

This section is where you will see all loan payments that have been applied to a specific loan.

  • Loan/ext (Loan Number and extension number)
  • Due Date
  • Date Paid
  • Payment Amount
  • Rate
  • Fees
  • Back Interest (Deferred Interest)
  • Interest
  • Principal
  • Principal Balance
  • Days Late
  • Store
  • Type
  • Return Code and Comments

Loan Payment Text Links:

The blue text link to the right of the screen will enable you to view, print, or perform other tasks as needed.

Details Link: Use this link will to view the details of a payment and give you the option to write a message or comment that will appear on a receipt given to the customer. Once you have added the message or comment, click the "Update" button and the message will appear on the receipt.

Receipt Link: Use this option to review a receipt of a payment and either print or email the receipt to the customer. To view older receipts from payments on a different loan number by selecting the"Details" option on past loans in the "Loan" section of the History.

Reverse Link: Use this link to reverse a payment.


This section will display all fees and comments that have been applied to the selected loan.

  • Loan Number
  • Fee Date
  • Fee Type
  • Fee Amount
  • Comments 

Fee's Text Links:

This link will allow users to reverse fees,interest, payments, or the loan itself.

 Reverse: This allows you to reverse a fee.

ACH Transactions:

This section captures the ACH transaction information related to the highlighted loan, and includes information on returned ACH payments.

  • Loan Number
  • Date
  • Type (Loan or Payment)
  • Status
  • Return Code
  • Return Date
  • ABA
  • Bank
  • Account Number
  • In
  • Out
  • Amount

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