Watch Button

Watch Button

Watch Button

The “Watch” feature is an Alert tab that you can toggle back and forth to either "Watch or Un-Watch" a customer, and it is located next to the "Notes" button top right of the header section on the Customer Profile page. This Button can utilized for a number of reasons such as:

  • A customer who has had NSF's in the past, so you turn on watch to monitor their activity
  • You may have a customer that you know longer wish to issue loans to, so you "Turn On" the "Watch Status" to prevent them from applying at any location.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: The ability to deny a loan to a customer is managed in your corporate settings. Only CSR's with the appropriate access levels are able to add, edit, or delete any information. For more information on setting up Watch statuses, please refer to Corporate Setting help topics.


Using the Watch Status

Navigate to a Customer Profile page.


Click the “Watch” button.


A dialogue box will appear:


Select "OK". The customer will now be marked with the Watch Status. Their name at the top of the Customer Profile page is red and will appear "red" on every report generated in Infinity Software.


To turn off Watch Status:

Click the button now named “Un-Watch” to remove the watch status from the customer. The customer will no longer be highlighted in red.

The “Watch” status is a filterable status in reports.

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